Help accelerate clinical development with ultrasensitive MRD testing
Haystack MRD’s technology enables ultrasensitive ctDNA testing with the ability to detect 95% of cases at 0.0005% tumor fraction, and in many cases, as low as 0.0008% tumor fraction, or approximately 1 ctDNA molecule in >1 million normal DNA molecules.
Haystack MRD delivers exceptional accuracy at ultra-low ctDNA levels. The test's clean background allows the calling threshold to be set lower than other methods, which yields the highest sensitivity for patient enrollment, stratification, and response monitoring.
Haystack MRD delivers exceptional accuracy at ultra-low ctDNA levels. The test's clean background allows the calling threshold to be set lower than other methods, which yields the highest sensitivity for patient enrollment, stratification, and response monitoring.
Unlike other tests, Haystack MRD was purpose-built for granular ctDNA testing that reports variant-level results. In addition to reporting sample-level MRD status, Haystack MRD can track specific ctDNA variants for various applications, including targeted therapy guidance.
Each patient’s whole genome library is also archived and is available for acquired resistance mapping and retrospective genomic discovery.

Get in touch
With our deep roots in liquid biopsy and MRD testing, Haystack Oncology is committed to providing biopharma solutions to improve patient outcomes. Let our exceptional MRD detection capabilities and team of global experts support your clinical cancer research and therapeutic development efforts.
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